Integrating an intuitive approach with a traditional homeopathy foundation, creating a...

new paradigm for the future of medicine

The School of Intuitive Homeopathy offers a 2-year in-depth series of courses covering the Minerals, Nosodes and Miasms, Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom.   

You can enroll in semesters individually or continue through the entire two years, giving you a grounded and well-rounded understanding of each of these kingdoms.   

If you’d like to go deeper – we offer a Certification program that involves more intensive instruction in casetaking, energetic anatomy and physiology, shadowing, intuitive skills and the submission of cases, giving you the tools to be an effective professional Intuitive Homeopath.

Our program focuses on teaching cases of complex pediatrics and treating whole families but can also be applied to all groups of people.


We teach to the heart, soul, and mind by integrating meditations into lessons and including interviews with cutting-edge practitioners and teachers. We seek to bring together both the creative right brain with the rational left brain to optimize your learning potential.

Homeopathy Courses

Certification Program

Intuition Courses

Hands down, the best!

“I want to say thank you for what you are doing. I've got several years of formal training but this course has been hands down the best. It's logically organized, hits on multiple levels. The meditations are really useful. It’s all flexible, high trust, and practical. I really can't stress the organization part enough —top down learning suits my style 100% (and probably most adult learners). Plus the community aspect. What you've put together is really great.”

  • — Sue, Professional Homeopath

Professionals Study Group

Led by Angelica Lemke and Sarah Valentini

Join professional homeopaths, naturopathic doctors, energy healers, chiropractors, astrologers, and other healing arts professionals who share the common desire to learn new tools and techniques as you deepen our intuitive practice.

We meet live once a month on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm PST, (dates and times subject to change). Each month highlights a new speaker and topic. All meetings are recorded.

All School of Intuitive Homeopathy students access their coursework on our private Mighty Network, where you can post questions and comments and a tight community of students is nurtured.   

→ The only family-centric school and community integrating an intuitive approach with a traditional homeopathy foundations.

  • We teach material from the most contemporary and leading perspectives in homeopathy from around the world, including:

    • Jan Scholten, and his elemental theory on the Periodic Table of Elements

    • Michal Yakir and her plant theory

    • Rajan Sankaran and his theories of miasms and the sensation process

    • Ton Jansen and his Human Chemistry approach

    • Colin Griffith and ancestral trauma and astrology approach

  • We create community through our online Mighty Networks forum for all courses. As a community, we are non-hierarchical and support your personal evolution to find the methods and modalities that bring out the best in you and your homeopathic practice. We are also a community for homeopaths who don’t fit the traditional box of practice and are seeking other open-minded individuals.

  • This school began in 2015 as two-year course based out of Angelica Lemke’s practice focusing on special needs children. Many of the parents she worked with asked to learn homeopathy that integrates an intuitive approach, since muscle testing and other intuitive techniques became essential to healing their children and families. At the time (and still) there were no homeopathy schools that condone the use of intuitive techniques such as muscle testing. Angelica felt that in order to teach at the level of complexity required for healing complex pediatric cases, a deep course on the most cutting-edge approaches in homeopathy was needed.

    While her course was originally developed for the mothers of special needs children, many professional homeopaths have found the material to be more in depth than what is found in typical homeopathy programs. Our school now has a larger faculty of instructors, all of whom support a more inclusive approach to studying and practicing homeopathy.

  • Uplifting — We aim to inspire our students with spiritual values, inner work , and the presence of love in the community that we share.

    Expansive — We case a wide net into the world of healing and homeopathy and are inclusive rather than separating in our approach.. We aim to broaden minds and provide a lens to see the entire world as interconnected and imbued with meaning.

    Global — We bring together teachers and students from all over the world, inspiring evolution and growth in the world of homeopathy.

    Integrative — We have a nonjudgemental approach that integrates the many modalities of homeopathy from classical, to practice to intuitive, as well as teach basics of naturopathic medicine, energy medicine.

Meet the Instructors

Homeopathy has the potential to upgrade the way that you see everything. Plants, animals, minerals and more all become increasingly multidimensional. It is a portal to upgrade your consciousness, fast-tracking your personal evolution as well as lifting the evolution of the human collective.

get the book

This book will empower you to be your family's best healer by tapping into your intuition and your innate connection with your child.

Key features:

  • Extensive materia medica on homeopathic remedies specific to children who have special needs, immune system challenges, and behavioral issues

  • Remedies are now organized by group and also by symptoms, making it easier to narrow in on the ones that will help your family most

  • Provides detailed information on selecting remedies, choosing potencies, dosing, and case management